Altar Servers
The boys and girls from both the Primary and Secondary Schools who serve at the altar in our Church are fully aware that they have a sacred ministry. They are the visible presence of the Parish community within the Sanctuary and at the same time they serve that same community by supporting the priest in the celebration of the Parish Liturgies, particularly the Mass Liturgies on the Sabbath Day. They are drawn from boys and girls of the Parish who have celebrated their First Holy Communion. We try to have five altar servers for each of the Sabbath Day Liturgies - one cross bearer, two acolytes and two servers to assist the priest by opening and then holding open the Sacramentary and preparing and clearing the altar.
We strive to train the altar servers well so that nothing about their movement on the altar will distract those attending the Liturgy, including family and friends, in the celebration of the Eucharist. Those who assist with the training of the servers are subject to the full Disclosure Scotland Procedure. We are about to invite children drawn from a minimum of Primary Four pupils to present themselves for training as potential altar servers.
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